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Business Terms & Conditions

Our team of lawyers are experienced in drafting Terms & Conditions for all types of services, industries and business sizes

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Do you need Terms & Conditions?

Neathouse Partners

Every business needs to have terms & conditions that are clearly laid out for every customer to see.

Without them, all sorts of legal problems can happen, leaving your business in a compromised position.

At Neathouse Partners, we offer a service that will ensure your company is covered.

Our legal experts will draft your business terms & conditions, so everything is clear for both you and your customers to see.

Terms & Conditions Explained

Neathouse Partners

What are business terms & conditions? Well, whenever your company does business with a customer, a legal contract should be established. This contract should stipulate what you are offering and what they can expect from you. Terms and conditions are basically the terms of this contract.

You’ll often see this abbreviated as T&Cs, while some companies refer to them as the terms of sale or terms of service – depending on what you provide.

Regardless, these terms all mean the same thing. They set the conditions for which your company agrees to do business with a customer.

Why Do You Need Terms & Conditions

Neathouse Partners

What happens in a world where your company doesn’t outline any T&Cs?

Effectively, you create a situation where your business is vulnerable. If you are dealing with the general public rather than other businesses, customers can assert rights under Consumer Protection legislation and this may leave you with no defence.

With terms and conditions, you’re able to outline the following:

All of this information is crucial as it can prevent your company from being damaged in a variety of ways.

A few common things that happen when you don’t have terms & conditions include

If you don’t have clear terms that outline the business contract, a customer can easily avoid paying you or could cancel the contract at a late stage.

After all, you have not stated how much you should be paid or when you need to be paid. They can easily hold out for as long as possible and you have no legal ground to stand on.

Likewise, the most obvious concern is a legal claim against your business.

The terms & conditions are designed to limit your liability as much as possible.

They will outline terms that try to protect your business from a variety of claims.

For example, you can outline the conditions of use for a product or service, detailing how it should be used.

If a customer tries to claim losses due to their improper use of the product, this could be useful evidence to defend a claim.

What Should Be Included In Your Business T&Cs?

Neathouse Partners

No matter what type of business you run, your terms and conditions should always include the following:

Many other things may be included and we can discuss these if you book a consultation with our team.

Let Us Help You Draft Your Business Terms & Conditions

Neathouse Partners

Naturally, a lot of the information above is hard to grasp.

If you don’t have an understanding of legal jargon, it’s often difficult to write good terms & conditions.

Let Neathouse Partners take the stress out of your hands by drafting your T&Cs.

We’ll ensure that every detail is included to protect your business and limit any liability.

Contact us today to get started!

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