
Checklist for Onboarding New Hires

Written by James Rowland | Oct 24, 2019 3:52:06 PM

When new employees join your workforce, it’s important to integrate them into the company as quickly as possible.

This process, known as onboarding, leads to higher levels of employee satisfaction, increased team cohesion and improved productivity.

By taking a strategic approach to recruitment and onboarding, you can successfully welcome new staff to your business and enable them to hit the floor running.

Of course, the most successful proponents of onboarding follow a well-formulated plan to ensure the process is effective.

If you want to enhance business performance throughout the recruitment process, take a look at our onboarding new hires checklist below.


1. Pre-Arrival

The pre-arrival phase of onboarding commences approximately 15 days before your new employees arrive for work.

During this time, you’ll want to ensure that the workplace is optimised for their arrival.

Pre-work checks may include confirming start date, time and venue, as well as clarifying the new hire’s IT and equipment needs.

A functional desk, workstation or office should be made available for them and a schedule of meetings, appointments and training sessions should be created.

A welcome lunch can also be pre-arranged, whilst the new hire’s first assignment can also be set out.

You should also take this opportunity to make sure that any outstanding recruitment processes such as checking references and qualifications are completed.


2. Days 1 and 2

When a new hire first arrives, there is plenty for them to contend with.

Make the transition as easy as possible by giving them the information they need to begin work.

Introducing them to key HR personnel, showing them around the office and providing access to systems and equipment is vital.

In addition, you’ll want your new employee to feel comfortable.

Introducing them to other members of the workforce, explaining how in-house systems work and providing information regarding local amenities can be extremely useful.

At this stage, you should also ensure that key HR documentation including their contract, emergency contact details and payroll information is completed as well as checking to make sure that they have the legal right to work in the UK.


3. Week One

Many new hires spend their first-week undertaking training.

If your employees typically complete training online, it’s important to remember this can be a lonely and isolating task.

Remember to provide breaks and interact with new employees whilst they’re completing their training.

Throughout this time, you’ll want to manage expectations on both sides.

This ensures that your new hire knows what’s expected of them and ensures you know which aspects of the role are still unclear.

Giving new employees the opportunity to ask questions is crucial to a successful onboarding process.

Identifying an onboarding buddy can also be a useful way of providing new hires with the support and resources they require.

When day-to-day questions arise, an onboarding buddy or mentor ensures that new employees can clarify issues straight away.


4. Month One

As your new hire settles into their role, there should be the opportunity to give feedback on their performance thus far.

If necessary, adjustments can be made and targets set for the next three or six months.

Additional monthly meetings can be scheduled so that ongoing feedback can be provided too.

Make sure that clear records of review meetings are held and if there are concerns, tackle these head-on to avoid problems developing.

Throughout this time, your new hire should have the opportunity to meet with the larger team, perhaps in an informal environment.

As they become an integral member of the business, their in-house profile will grow, and team bonding will successfully take place.