
Stress Related Absence

Written by James Rowland | May 15, 2019 1:53:34 PM

Every business owner knows that productive employees are the greatest asset at the company’s disposal. Consequently, regular staff absences can cause major disruption to the venture, and stress-related absence is perhaps the biggest growing problem across the board.

Studies by CIPD show that 37% of UK businesses have seen stress-induced employee absences increase in recent times. Entrepreneurs wishing to avoid a similar fate must take control of the situation right away.


Why Are Stress-Related Absences On The Rise?

Stress-related absence hasn’t grown by chance. The research into the problem, uncovers some very worrying stats, all of which go a long way to highlighting why this spike has occurred. They include:

  • Over 6 in 10 believe heavy workloads are at fault;
  • Management style is blamed by 43% (up from 32%);
  • Almost 2 in 3 have observed people using holidays to complete unfinished work.

The above factors show just three reasons as to why stress-related absences are on the rise, especially as many managers are not properly trained to deal with the issues.

How To Stop Stress-Related Absences

Business owners can’t completely rid themselves of stress-related absences, but should be willing to go the extra mile in a bid to reduce it. Ultimately, it all boils down to the company culture and treatment of employees. Companies can look to:

  • Hire enough people to complete tasks;
  • Insist on regular breaks, especially from computer screens;
  • Invest in their own managerial training.

Stress is a major productivity, and keeping absences at a low will bring significant results for employer and employee alike.