TUPE applies when there is a relevant transfer: this may either be the transfer of a business or undertaking or a service provision change.
For TUPE to apply, the relevant transfer must be a legal one.
If the transfer or undertaking is for an unlawful purpose, such as money laundering or drug dealing, then TUPE cannot apply.
However, case law has proven that not all of the activities of the undertaking need to be unlawful for TUPE to apply.
The Employment Appeal Tribunal found in the case of Ejiofor (t/a Mitchell & Co Solicitors) v Sullivan and others that employees should not lose their employment status and protection under the regulations because their employers were operating illegally.
Yes, TUPE can apply to the transfer of part of an undertaking or business.
Case law has demonstrated that the relevant part to be transferred must be a self-contained unit, which is capable of being economically independent.
Furthermore, the assets of the part must be sufficiently grouped to constitute an economic entity in their own right.
The TUPE regulations specifically exclude transfers between public administrative authorities.
However, there is no statutory definition of what constitutes a public administrative authority, but case law has provided that it is:“A public body whose functions involve the exercise of public authority.”Interestingly, the courts have also determined that the body does not necessarily need to be a public sector organisation, a private sector organisation can also be classed a public administration.
TUPE does not apply to the sale of shares, as in this case, there would be no change in the identity of the employer (the Company).
The employees’ contracts of employment are continued and remain with the Company after the share sale.
There has been much discussion about whether or not TUPE applies to international transfers. Generally, TUPE applies when:
TUPE does not apply to:
Deciphering when TUPE does and does not apply, is not something that can be done by a simple test.
All the circumstances of the transfer need to be taken into consideration to conclude whether or not the regulations apply.
TUPE is a very complex area of law, and specialist advice should always be sought before a transfer occurs.