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Advice to my Younger Self: Powerful International Women’s Day quotes from our Team

James Rowland

James Rowland

Commercial Director

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As the world marks International Women’s Day once again, it’s a time for reflection, celebration, and empowerment. In the business world, women across the globe have been breaking barriers, shattering glass ceilings, and paving the way to make effective change for future generations.

Across many different sectors and lines of work, their progress is often marked by resilience, determination, and the wisdom and experience they have gained along the way.

Here, we take a look at some of the advice our Neathouse Partners colleagues would give their younger selves. These quotes highlight the trials, triumphs and moments of transformation and learning that have defined their professional paths and lives. We hope they inspire you this International Women’s Day!

"Don't be afraid to fail, because failing at something can help you find the drive and motivation to succeed."

Misbah Sadiq, Employment Lawyer

“Advice I would give to my younger self would be to enjoy life while I was carefree and a student. Work hard and you can achieve anything through grit and determination. Don’t let people tell you what you can and can’t achieve. Trust your gut instinct. Don’t be afraid to fail, because failing at something can help you find the drive and motivation to succeed. Don’t worry about what other people will think, and do what makes you happy.

Don’t be afraid to ask. If you don’t ask, you don’t get. Be your own best friend. Travel and see the world as much as possible. I would also tell myself that Salah is your key to attaining happiness and prosperity in this life and the next, and to cherish it and never let go of it. Learn Tafseer (the accurate interpretation of the Quranic verses) of the Quran as a source of enlightenment and let this guide you.”

Emily Haddington, Freelance Copywriter

“I’d tell my younger self not to worry about not knowing what to do with your career, and changing your career plans. There is no right or wrong age to change direction, re-train or just go a different way in life. Sometimes, the career chooses you, and that’s what happened to me when I became a freelancer at 29. I know people in their forties who’ve decided to change career, and they’re among the most interesting and knowledgeable people I know. I’d tell myself not to listen to others’ opinions – they’re not facts. Don’t focus on the things I’d change about myself, but the things I love about myself. The real ‘education’ in life comes with working hard in your career, learning how to communicate with people and discovering new skills. Exams, university and grades don’t really mean anything in the everyday world.”

"Boyfriends come and go, but friends are there forever. Make sure you treat them as the priority."

Grace Pariser, HR & Employment Law Consultant

“I’d tell my younger self that you don’t need to choose your career at the age of 14. You will find your path at the right time. I was 27 when I found my calling, and if you’d have told me I was doing this job at the age of 14, I would’ve laughed! 

Definitely don’t care about what other people say about you. Be yourself and laugh at the people making you sad with their words. Don’t ever feel like you have to live up to your parents expectations. It’s always okay to fail, as this is how you learn in life and bounce back from the failure. Grades don’t really matter. Boyfriends come and go, but friends are there forever. Make sure you treat them as the priority.”

Meela Leino, Marketing Manager

“I’d say to my younger self that experiences hold far more value than material possessions. Not once have I regretted investing in travel. Each trip creates memories that last a lifetime – from sharing a platter of fresh oysters in Oban, to dancing at an Improv Everywhere event in New York. It’s also important to acknowledge that as we evolve, so do our life priorities. It’s perfectly commendable to adapt our life trajectory accordingly. Lastly, amidst the hustle and bustle of life, it’s crucial to KonMari your life by reflecting on and paying attention to what “sparks joy” in us. Enjoying the latest season of The Great Pottery Throw Down? Go book that pottery class already!”

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