ET3 Deadline Extension
When a Company is issued with an ET1 form (claim form) there is a 28 day deadline for the ET3 (the claim form response) to be submitted, but you may need an extension.

James Rowland
Commercial Director James leads Account Management, Sales and Marketing at Neathouse Partners.Date
06 December 2018Updated
01 October 2024Table of contents
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Why should employers Ask For An ET3 Extension?
When a Company is issued with an ET1 form (claim form), there is a 28-day deadline for the ET3 (the claim form response) to be submitted.
The deadline does need to be met, or this will result in the Company losing by default.
However, there will be occasions where it is not possible to meet this deadline, and an extension application will need to be made.
For example, an extension may be needed if an individual that is important to the claim is away on annual leave or extra time is required to gather evidence for the response because the claim is particularly complicated.
How To Request An ET3 Extension
An application for an extension should be made as soon as you realise that additional time may be needed.
A request for an extension must:
- Be a written application;
- Set out the reasons the extension is required;
- If possible, include a draft ET3 response;
- Include any evidence that may support your application (for example, if you cannot comply if you are due to have an operation, include a copy of the appointment letter);
- Send a copy of the letter to the claimant/or their representative;
- An Employment Judge can consider the application without a hearing.
A letter detailing the reason for the extension application is sent to the Claimant so that they are aware why an ET3 has not yet been sent to them.
Within seven days of receiving this letter, the Claimant has the right to make a written response opposing the application.
This will need to give details of why the extension should not be granted and respond to the points that have been made in the Company’s application.
A Tribunal will only grant an application if it is fair to do so.
Therefore, a Claimant will likely oppose a deadline extension request if it looks like a Company is just trying to buy extra time, or the reasons for the application are not accurate.
However, if the Claimant is opposing the application, the extension may still be granted if it is ultimately fair in all the circumstances.
When an ET1 has been received, it is important to act as quickly as possible.
This will give ample time to draft a detailed and accurate ET3 response to the claim.
It is crucial that an application for a deadline extension not be made simply because it has been forgotten about or unreasonably delayed.
This is because the grant of an extension is on a purely discretionary basis by the Judge.
When drafting the response to go with the application, make sure both documents contain information that is accurate.
It is essential that the reasons for the application are factual and cannot be construed as mere excuses for not meeting the 28-day deadline as the Claimant could fairly oppose the application.
Neathouse Partners specialise in defending Employment Tribunal claims.
Call us today on 01244 893776.
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